Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Aisya & eczema -moogoo result

After a week using moogoo product to treat aisya's eczema I must say my daughter is not suitable with the product! Tapi...irritable skin balm works wonders on treating the redness yet the soothing cream makes it worst!

Kesian Aisya...bila saya sapu irritable skin balm, seriously the redness has reduced...until to back to her normal skin saya pakai soothing cream tapi Ya Allah...semakin first I thought mesti allergy to something as Aisya has started on her solid food...but everyday looks the same...early in the morning the redness has reduced yet to the afternoon it has i 'm back with baby buds soothing cream and guess what? What a magic! The skin has totally improved within a night! Alhamdulilah.....

So currently I continuously using baby buds and her skin dah back to normal...

my point of view...moogoo is not suitable for Aisya...tapi yang peliknya the irritable skin balm really works wonders...mama Aisya continue to keep the balm takut naik lagi eczema dia...

Another facts is, eczema can't be can be controlled but will not disappear mommies...anak yang Ada eczema nie kena sentiasa di pantau keadaanya...yang penting jangan putus asa...sentiasa mencari jalan keluar Dan pastinya kesabaran yang tinggi diperlukan dalam menjaga anak yang dijangkiti eczema nie....chaiyok! Chaiyok!

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