Thursday, March 7, 2013

Aisya & kurma

Finally I had introduce bubur Nasi to Aisya! Guess what? She hated it! Macam papa betul! So a little bit twist, I mixed the porridge with kurma. Alhamdulilah...habis satu gengam how to make dates porridge? Senang jer kan....

Satu gengam beras
2/3 air
3 biji kurma

Masukkan semua bahan-bahan dengan api sederhana Dan rebus sampai masak.
Lepas tu sejukkan sebentar Dan blend the porridge.

Walla! Ready to serve.

Why I blend the porridge? Aisya tak nak makan bubur Nasi separuh hancur...actually at first I blend the rice before I cook it, tapi Aisya tutup mulut rapat-rapat tak nak makan...terpaksa blend sampai hancur and she eat it and loving optional la to blend the porridge yer mummy!

Eh, let me share a bit on kebaikan kurma :

1. Kurma dapat member tenaga segera
2. Membantu menguatkan daya ingatan
3. Kurma tanpa membuang kulit dapat membantu usus Dan melawas. Oh good for yang kena constipation.. So true from Aisya experience.
4. Mencegah insomnia
5. Mencegah kanser usus besar

Ha..tu antara kebaikan selamat mencuba mommies!

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